At DeltaTech, we’re working to enhance the lives of individuals, teams, companies and communities through the trajectory changing contributions we create for the people and companies we serve.

Get In Touch

Suryakanth Mansion, Madhapur, Hyderabad 500 081, India

040 4647 4444

Automate testing process of food products and evaluate the standards of food products based on the customer, product and geographical compliance’s. Create batches/samples, send samples to lab, load lab results into the system, validate results, send notifications thru Email/SMS and provide analytics. Expose Web Services to Integrate with external ERP systems.


  • Administration
  • Analyte Management
  • Batch ID Customization
  • Country Compliance
  • Wizard Steps Configuration
  • Customer Compliance
  • Customer Preference
  • Thresholds Configuration
  • Customer Management
  • Laboratory Management
  • Product Management
  • Region/Location Management
  • Supplier Management
  • Tenant Profile Management
  • Licensing Configuration
  • Forms Management
  • Jobs Management
  • Local Profile Management
  • Tasks Management
  • Works online/offline
  • Role based access
  • Active Directory Integration
  • Audit Trail
  • Batch Detail Reports
  • Customer CPA
  • Generalized Results
  • Individual Analyte Results
  • Management Inspection Reports
  • Sample Validation Status
  • Test Results
  • Turn Around Time Reports
  • User Audit Reports